Fumeterre skirt

Finished! This one has been such a long coming... I saw this picture on IG during the summer of 2017 (!) and duly bought fabric and pattern to make the same. Well said fabric and pattern was stashed away until last summer, when I finally got it out and cut the skirt. Before stashing it away again... until this month. Thankfully I had noted down the size and version I had cut last year so it wasn't too difficult to pick it up again. The skirt is not too difficult to make but it is very long and with 8 panels so it does take a little time. My fabric is quite thin so I decided to French seams between all the panels, so of course that double my sewing effort! And to finish it off, there were those 11 buttonholes that I was terrified off and the 11 buttons to sew on of course. All in all, I think I didn't do too bad! I like the look of it, perfect colour for Autumn I guess and it is so long that I can wear thick tights or legging underneath to keep warm. I am so happy that I have...