Retro Tetro quilt

 It only needed the binding to be finished off and it nearly took all month to sew it by hand.

And of course what took the longest time was to bury all the threads since I changed colour to match the fabric. And this is for sure the part I like the least! But at least there was good TV to keep me entertained... I have started to watch Bridgerton and I must say it is hard not to watch the series in one go! I am not a binge watcher but this series has certainly caught my eye! 
Last finish of the month most probably, which also was my One monthly goal for January! 



  1. Congratulations on finishing up this colorful quilt!!

  2. Congratulations on this beautiful quilt finish.

  3. Lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  4. Bravo ! Moi non plus je n'aime pas particulièrement rentrer les fils ;-) Très beau quilt.

  5. What a cool quilt! I love playing Tetris and this is such a good rendition of that. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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