March in review

This month, I have tried to pick up the Boho Heart sew-along mainly. I have managed to finish 16 blocks and of course I am behind still but at least, I have made some progress! I still have a few blocks cut or partially cut so hopefully I will be able to sew them soon.... I also tried to catch up with my Farmer's Wife quilt but I haven't been further than selecting a few blocks and partially cutting them... not much really. The good news is that I thought I needed the 111 blocks to make my quilt but actually 83 will be enough... only another 30 or so! I retrieved my Impromptu quilt top that needs quilting and investigated where to send it. It is not yet gone to the longarm quilter but hopefully soon... And the BIG news is that I finished my Persephone Purse, finally! One less UFO and one of my PhD for 2022 Linking to March Furtle Celine