
Showing posts from March, 2022

March in review

  This month, I have tried to pick up the Boho Heart sew-along mainly. I have managed to finish 16 blocks and of course I am behind still but at least, I have made some progress! I still have a few blocks cut or partially cut so hopefully I will be able to sew them soon.... I also tried to catch up with my Farmer's Wife quilt but I haven't been further than selecting a few blocks and partially cutting them... not much really. The good news is that I thought I needed the 111 blocks to make my quilt but actually 83 will be enough... only another 30 or so! I retrieved my Impromptu quilt top that needs quilting and investigated where to send it. It is not yet gone to the longarm quilter but hopefully soon... And the BIG news is that I finished my Persephone Purse, finally! One less UFO and one of my PhD for 2022 Linking to March Furtle Celine

Applique time

  Not all the blocks yet but a few more, weeks 6 & 7 of the Boho Heart sew-along were dedicated to the applique blocks. There are 18 of them altogether! Some easier and less involved than others. I don't really like the owl or the wonky flowers so I think I will make something different for those blocks. I had already completed one of the 2 mini hearts, now I have both ready to go Out of the 6 mini circles, I have half of them completed and 2 more ready to be finished The orange peel block is nearly completed, it just needs its frame and I have started on the Grandma's flower garden blocks but they are not yet finished.  Little steps at a time but steps all the same to give me an additional 4 blocks... Linking to  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,   Finished or Not Finished Friday ,   Put your foot down ,  Peacock Party ,   Patchwork and Quilt Celine

Persephone purse

Back in April last year, I started to make a Persephone purse to gift to my friend for her birthday, similar to the one I made myself the previous fall. I picked the model with the frame this time instead of the 2 zipped pockets. I choose a lovely tweed fabric for the exterior.  The faux-leather I picked was rather sticky (even with a Teflon foot) so it was very difficult to sew. I ended up having to make the flap 3 times before it was about acceptable. Sadly I didn't finish the purse on time to gift it to her last April. I then thought I would finish it as a leaving present before we moved but that never happened either in the craziness of it all. Now, she is supposed to be visiting next month and it will be her birthday (again!) when she is over so I decided it was now or never! I found all the pieces that I had (thankfully) packed together last year, waiting for some quieter times.  The first step was to add the flap and the hardware too. That didn't really take that long o...

More blocks

  I have finally made my blocks for the Boho Heart Quilt Along. I haven't caught yet but at least I've made some progress!  One more Dresden block from week 3, not cut to size yet but otherwise finished. The centre is hand appliquĆ©. I only need one more Dresden block to finish week 3... From week 5, the Courthouse serie: 2 mini, 3 medium and 2 larger framed squares,  1 spool and 1 courthouse block. I need 6 more blocks to finish this series And one little heart appliquĆ© block finished for weeks 6 & 7. I have a few more in the works but not yet finished. All hand appliquĆ©.  With that, I have 10 more blocks this month.  Linking to  Design Wall Monday,   Monday Making ,    Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d ,  Put your foot down ,  Peacock Party ,   Patchwork and Quilt Celine

To Dresden

  Only 2 little blocks but still that's a lot for me at the moment. It is a lot because I hadn't touched my machine for weeks so it felt good to finally turn it on. It is a lot because with my current (temporary) set up I can't really sew in the evening to avoid the noise. It is a lot because I've not had much time for anything remotely creative lately and when I do, I'm usually too tired/lack any motivation. So let's cling onto a small accomplishment and be happy with it.  First block is a 6" Dresden fan (hand appliquĆ©) Second block is a 8" small Dresden plate framed ( hand appliquĆ©) Both are for my Boho Sew Along and were week 3 blocks from a month ago... I have a few more cut out so hopefully it won't be another month until I sew them now.  Linking to  Design Wall Monday,   Monday Making ,    Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d Celine

March goals

I am not sure if I should even make a list for this month really. In theory, we should get the office/craft room finished later in the month so that would mean that I could finally set up all my stuff and have back a real space to sew. But with building works to be done, I am not sure how reliable the timeline will be... In any case, let's hope at least some of these will progress in one way or another. Quilting 1.   Flabellum quilt - needs  binding  2. Super Mario quilt -  needs binding finished off 3. Farmer's Wife quilt - lots of blocks needed still 4. Storm at Sea 5. Dear Jane 6. Boho Sew Along - starting back on 1st February, great time to pick it up again and hopefully stay on schedule 7. Impromptu quilt - this one needs quilting and nearly was last year, if I hadn't sent it to the completely wrong address. It is a very big quilt so I went to get it professionally quilted. Now to find someone to do it for me. This is my APQS challenge for March so hopefully I w...