Hand sewing

For the last 2 weekends, we spent an awful lot of time in the car, travelling long distances across France. My original plan was to continue the cross stitching but my eye sight is no longer sharp enough to stitch in a moving car... I had to swap the cross-stitchinh for some hand stitching instead. I hadn't grabbed much before we left but I had my Dear Jane pouch with a few pieces to be done. I started by adding the sashing to block G12 Only to realise that I didn't make it exactly as the original... never mind I then moved onto joining blocks together, adding G12 to G13 Then H5 to H6 Next was E11 to E12/13 And finally E1/2 to E3 and E4 Next step was to sew K11 And finally I worked on a triangle but it's not finished yet Linking to Design Wall Monday, Monday Making , Midweek Makers , Wednesday Wait Loss , Happy Needle and Threa d , Brag about your Beauties , Off the wall Friday , Finished or Not Finished Friday , Put ...