
Showing posts from April, 2024

To Do Tuesday

Despite the hussle of activities at work and at home, I seem to have been able to steal some sewing time here and there. Not necessarily lots of time at once but some time anyway. The weather is still not very spring like so that probably helps to retreat to the sewing room. Let's look at the list from last week: 1. M ake block #15 for the Modern City Scape  -  Done 2.  Make Birthday blocks #16 & 17  -  Done 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & April  -  no progress 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks  -  no progress 5. Cut blocks F for Dear Jane  -  Done 6. Sew the dropped sleeves blouse  -  Done This week again I have  managed 5 days of sewing,  for   15 minutes to stitch with Kate Time to plan for this coming week 1.  Complete Dear Jane block F1 2. M ake block #16 for the Modern City Scape  3.  Make Birthday blocks #17 4. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along b...

Drop Sleeve Blouse

  It seems that I hadn't made a garment for quite a while... The SewAprilBlouse24 challenge on IG was just what I needed to get going. And although I had planned/hoped to make 2 blouses, I finally completed one that I had cut earlier this month.  I found a lovely black broderie anglaise that I have had in my stash for quite a long while and settled on the  Drop sleeve top pattern by the Avid Seamstress , which is a free pattern on their website.  The top comes together rather easily and quickly and the instructions are clear enough. I cut a straight size 4 without any modification. Finished sewing the top yesterday and now all I need is some warmer weather to be able to wear it! And of course, it has a cute label too Linking to  to  Put your foot down ,  Patchwork and Quilt , Midweek Makers . CĆ©line

Dear Jane - 5 rows

  We spent quite a lot of time in the car this weekend so I had prepared some hand sewing before we left. I had block F1 already cut and ready to go for my Dear Jane so I took this block with me.  When sewing it on the go, I realised that I had cut the outside triangles too big. So I couldn't complete this block, first I need to redraw the triangles.  I also took with me the top so far with the 4 first rows and my newly completed row E. And I'm happy that I've managed to attach row E to the top, 5 rows together now CĆ©line 

Modern Cityscape

  Time for a post dedicated to this quilt-along as we have just completed block #15 this week With this block, row 3 is complete and we have 60% of the quilt top already.  I am really enjoying this one I must admit, even though there qre plenty of pieces and lots of colours too so it requires some concentration, i.e. there has been a fair share of unpicking! Linking to  Put your foot down ,  Off the wall Friday ,  Patchwork and Quilt , D esign  Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Needle and Thread Thursday CĆ©line

To Do Tuesday

  The week has been rather busy at work and at home and it doesn't seem that this will quieten down any time soon. I think once more sewing will take a back seat for a little while... 1. M ake block #14 for the Modern City Scape  -  Done 2.  Make Birthday blocks #16  -  no progress 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & April  -  no progress 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks  -  no progress 5.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E  -  Done 6. Sew the dropped sleeves blouse -  no progress This week again I have only managed 3 days of sewing,  for   15 minutes to stitch with Kate Not sure how much time I will have for the week ahead... 1. M ake block #15 for the Modern City Scape  2.  Make Birthday blocks #16 & 17 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & April 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks  5. Cut blocks F for Dear Jane 6. Sew ...

E13 - Moth in a Web

  E13 is finished and attached to row E, finally! I had planned to sew it while on holiday over a month ago and progressed it well until I realised I had cut 60Ā° angles instead of 45Ā° for the last 4 pieces for each sides of the outside triangles. It took very little time to draw the correct angle and cut the pieces back but here we are, I only finished the block this morning by the pool while we stayed overnight at a spa hotel. I modified the block a little compared to the book, it has 26 pieces without the sashing.  And I managed to attach this last block to row E, which is now complete šŸ˜Š Linking to  Put your foot down ,  Off the wall Friday ,  Patchwork and Quilt , D esign  Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Needle and Thread Thursday CĆ©line 

To Do Tuesday

  Wow the weeks are really flying by! It doesn't help that I was away most of last week I guess, business trip to London meant very little sewing time this week sadly 1. M ake block #13 for the Modern City Scape -  Done   2.  Make Birthday blocks #15 -  Done 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & April -  no progress 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks -  very little progress 5.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E -  no progress 6.  Sew the dropped sleeves blouse  -   no progress This week I have managed only 3 days of sewing  keeping up with my goal for   15 minutes to stitch with Kate Hoping to have more time for the week ahead... 1. M ake block #14 for the Modern City Scape  2.  Make Birthday blocks #16 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & April 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks  5.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E...

To Do Tuesday

  Another week gone... at least I've made a few blocks this time as well as prepping to make a blouse 1. M ake block #12 for the Modern City Scape -  Done 2.  Make Birthday blocks #13 & #14 -  Done 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February, March & April -  Done For March only 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks - cut more paper and fabric 5.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E - no progress 6. Pick my blouse pattern and fabric -  Done and cut This week I have managed 5 days of sewing  keeping up with my goal for   15 minutes to stitch with Kate 1. M ake block #13 for the Modern City Scape  2.  Make Birthday blocks #15 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & April 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks  5.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E  6. Sew the dropped sleeves blouse  Linking to  Carol's To Do Tuesday Linky party CĆ©line

New blocks

This week I've been trying to keep up/ catch up with the quilt along. I finished two birthday blocks #13 and #14 so I am caught up for now.  2 Modern Cityscape blocks #11 And #12 or so I thought but I assembled the pieces in the wrong order .. and now with the correct arrangement... And 2 blocks (March ones) for the  Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along Linking to  D esign  Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Put your foot down ,  Off the wall Friday ,  Can I  get a Whoop Whoop ,  Patchwork and Quilt ,  CĆ©line 

PhD in review

  With a quarter of the year already gone, it is a good time to take stock of my progress (or rather lack of!) on my UFOs... I had prepared a list of the PhD challenge in January and I fear there isn't much to report... 1. Harry Potter (started 2019)   - no progress 2. Farmer's Wife 1920 quilt (started 2011)  -  no progress 3.  Gipsy Wife (started 2017)  -  no progress 4. Mini Series blocks (started 2022)  -  no progress 5. Boho Heart (started 2021)  -  no progress 6. Morgan Jeans (started 2020)  -  no progress 7. Forester coat (started 2022) - finally some progress but I am nowhere near finish... 8. Townline bag (started 2023) -  no progress 9. The Nutcracker Parade (started 2020) - very little progress but I am nowhere near finish... 10. Laundry Basket Quilts Birthday Quilt (2024) - started and almost on track! 11. Mystery Quilt Scraps Galore - t his one was a new project for this year but I have abandonne...

To Do Tuesday

The last week has flown by with the long Easter weekend. We had family and friends over so there has been no time to sew at all... Never mind, it was great to spend time together. Time to plan ahead for the week now and look at last week.  1. M ake block #11 for the Modern City Scape  -  finished 2.  Make Birthday block #13  -   no progress 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February & March  -   no progress 4.  Complete 2 Hexie blocks  -   no progress 5.  Complete Dear Jane block E13 and finish row E  -  still in progress but at least I have recut the pieces that were wrong... This week I have only managed 3 days of sewing  keeping up with my goal for   15 minutes to stitch with Kate 1. M ake block #12 for the Modern City Scape  2.  Make Birthday blocks #13 & #14 3. Sew the Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along blocks for February, March & April 4.  Work on the Hexie blocks...

April goals

  I can't quite believe that the first quarter of the year is over and this is not even an April's fool... I hope that with lighter evenings there might be more time and energy to sew but equally I thinnk the month will be rather busy with lots of activities, a week long business trip etc so I am not sure how much time I'll manage to steal in the end... Qui lting 1.  Dear Jane - hoping to finish block E13 and row E...nearly there! 2. Modern City Scape - hoping to continue with this quilt along and complete row 3 3. Birthday blocks -  hoping to  continue with this quilt along 4. Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along - February, March and April blocks 5. Farmer's Wife - 1 or 2 blocks? 6. Harry Potter - a few more blocks needed to finish this top 8. Jemina's hexagon quilt-long -  hoping to catch up and continue with this quilt along Dressmaking / Sewing 1.  Finish my Forester coat (started 2 years ago)? 2. Morgan jeans 3. Sew a blouse or two ?! for April as per IG...