July Furtle

Another month gone and I can't say I've had much sewing time, far too much happening otherwise. School year finished early July for all 3 children, with exams and exam results for 2 of them. We then had the Main Square festival over 4 days, too much music and partying to find some sewing time! We then FINALLY sign on our new house. It's been quite a long time coming and very eventful until the 11th hour but we signed mid July. Now we have the keys, there is a lot of work to be done before we can move in. And of course, France being France, lots of admin before we can even start the renovation work. We finished repainting the hallway and staircase in our current house which took quite some time too and wasn't the most fun really but it looks so much cleaner now. On the sewing front, I haven't done much this month really, too much in my head, no time and no energy when there were little pockets of time. I only managed to sew the pregnant Barbie outfit that I needed ...