Modern City Scape

 80%! The quilt along is long finish and I'm lagging behind but at least I'm still behind!! 

I made block #20 this last week, after weeks not turning my machine on. I was hoping to make more than one block but a migraine on Friday decided otherwise. So here it is block 20:

And with block 20, I can finish row 4! 5 more blocks and I'll have the top finished.

Linking to Design Wall MondayMidweek MakersWednesday Wait LossNeedle and Thread ThursdayPut your foot downBrag about your BeautiesOff the wall FridayPatchwork and Quilt



  1. This is so striking! Lots of pieces that make a wonderful landscape. I really love it!

  2. I could stare at this for hours. So lovely! Can't wait to see how the rest of this comes together. Love your fabric choices. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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