Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We are back from our holidays now. We had a great family Christmas and the kids have been spoilt by Santa. Then we spent a wonderful week skiing in the Alps. We had gorgeous weather, blue sky and sun and cooold (down to -12oC). It was absolutely great and Big Boy was so good. He felt so confident on his skis and obtained his Bronze Mouse from ESI, which was really good for his second week of ski lessons. Baby Girl enjoyed the snow as well and had great fun pulling her sledge behind the flat. I so wish the holidays could have lasted for longer!
Anyway back to work today and to "normal" life. We tried out our Christmas present (Wii console) tonight with hubby and had great fun. I just hope it isn't going to drag me away from sewing too much.
I promise I'll post pictures of my holiday finishes very soon. Until then, why don't you check Barb's creations blog on my sidebar. She has already completed 2 BOMs for January and they are gorgeous. I have printed the pattern for the little birdie. Who knows if I'll get time.
Good night for now!


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