The birthday quilt is finished and gifted

Sorry it's been a while, life is super busy, super crazy at the moment. First there was a week-end in France for our friends'40th birthday party. Then a week back home with plenty of work and a week away in Philadelphia for work (where I managed to visit a quilt shop - more in a later post, when I'll have time to catch up) and then some more time away for the holidays! Anyway, I am so pleased that I finished my quilt to gift it to my friends just in time for their birthday party! and even more pleased that they both liked it and appreciate the work that goes into such a quilt. So here is my Nautical Castle on the Horizon finished from a pattern by Michele.

It took me a few evenings to quilt it, I used different flower patterns from The Inbox Jaunt tutorials for the low volume squares. I managed to break 2 needles in the process. I used King Tut thread in light grey.

For the backing I had a wide spotty red fabric by Robert Kaufman that worked well.

Some worked better than others or rather were easier and therefore looked better when I attempted them!
I also added the big 40 since this was the occasion and signed the quilt!

I had ordered extra of the stripe fabric to use it for the binding. The binding was on Friday evening and I managed to finish sewing by hand in the car!

This is my one and only OPAM for October.
Linking to Finish Along Q4, A lovely year of finishes, Let's Bee Social, Needle and Thread Thursday and Whoop Whoop Friday.


  1. Lovely finish, what a beautiful gift.

  2. Great finish Celine. It looks wonderful

  3. Love, love, love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a wonderful gift! You did a great job on the quilting - I don't know how anyone quilts on a sewing machine!! So glad you linked up with ALYOF so I could enjoy the eye candy!

  5. A lovely gift and quilt. Congratulations on your finish.


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