September furtle

I was lucky to have the full month off work! Well, technically this is not true, I am in reality out of work since I finished my last job at the end of August. But since I am lucky enough to have another exciting job lined up for October, it feels like a rest, a break in between the two, to recover from the mad last few months. With September also came the return to school, which of course this year was so particular. I am glad and pleased to say that all 3 were happy to go back, even if there was some anxiety and seems to have mostly settled back in well. We even took advantage of the lovely weather to enjoy a week-end away, visiting Stonehenge and Bath. It was really good to be somewhere else for a short time. A month off could have meant hours and hours of sewing but not quite. I have been torn between enjoying my "me" time with my sewing machine and using my spare time to whizz through the house to tidy/sort out/clean etc. Unfortunately, the latter won more often. Funny ...