February in review

I don't know if it was the cold or the never-ending lockdown or just everything in my life but February has not been the most productive month really. More than once I had time to sew but no energy and no motivation to do anything. So I wasted a lot of time that could have been spent crafting, time I always craved for before when our lives were so crammed. That sounds so silly actually but this is the reality I guess. Anyway, I finally made the Lahja dress, pattern and fabric were bought probably 2-3 years ago... My on and only (and favourite) Finish for February! and I finish the top for my Sewing Studio banner, there were so many tiny pieces in this one! I made more blocks for the Fandom in Stitches sew-along Only 6 more blocks for my 365 Challenge quilt and I started a new quilt-along, the Boho Heart. I have competed week 1 and nearly week 2, and yes it was week 4 this week... 29 blocks, one finished mini quilt top and one finished garment this month Linking to February ...