Boho Heart

Another new project that had caught my eye! The Boho Heart Sew Along started earlier this month and I am already behind. Never mind, I have at least started, first by spending a few evenings cutting stripes, both for this pattern but also for my Gipsy Wife quilt that has been long abandoned as well. I have picked low volume, neutral light tones for both quilts. I still don't have enough stripes but the piles are slowly growing.

And I have finally finished all the blocks from week 1 - one full week late....

This week, we made 2 checkerboard blocks - a larger one

And a smaller one
2 x 9-patch blocks

5 x 4-patch blocks

and 2 Gardenvale blocks

And while making those blocks I also made 4 more blocks for 365-challenge quilt:

7 July

8 July

9 July


  1. Good luck on your SAL. I love Jen Kingwell patterns, but have never completed one yet.

    1. Thank you. I finished the Long Time Gone a few years back, but I have quite a few others, just started...

  2. Le Boho Heart est un très beau projet, et tes premiers blocs sont magnifiques ! J'aime beaucoup ces tons roses. Bravo pour les 15 blocs de février !!

  3. I’ve been seeing the Boho quilt along here and there on fb and blogposts. You are going to have a beautiful quilt!

  4. So many pretty blocks. You have had a busy week.

  5. You have a lot going. That Boho Hearts quilt is really cute!

  6. 365 Quilt challenge is a test of endurance. When you finish it you will have a treasure. Keep on going, it is an amazing journey.

  7. Kudos to you for taking on the 365 Quilt Challenge. You're certainly on a roll making those blocks!

  8. A very fun quilt pattern!
    ENjoy your hand stitching!

  9. It seems you've caught up nicely! This will make a great quilt! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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