Paper piecing

 This block seems to have taken forever... admittedly there were lots of pieces but the Tardis block is finished! My third block for the Fandom in stitch quilt along.

I also noticed that on the D-0 block there was one seam where the fabric was too short so I had a hole in the seam. I unpicked the piece that was too short, not sure that was the best idea actually...

I have managed to slot a piece back in the big hole by sewing the straight seam but all the other seams look quite difficult to sew back on the machine so I will probably sew it back by hand. 

And I also made the 2 Tolkien blocks I had selected, those were much easier and quicker because they had far less pieces
The eye of Auron
and the Arkenstone

That's it for those blocks for now. I haven't yet find any other that have taken my fancy but there will be more for sure!

Linking to  Brag about your Beauties, Off the wall FridayPeacock Party Whoop Whoop FridayOh ScrapPatchwork and QuiltsSlow Sunday StitchingMonday Making, Monday Design Wall



  1. Beautiful blocks Celine, what wonderful paperpiecing.

  2. Oh my goodness, there is some tricky piecing in these blocks. They all look amazing!

  3. Ils sont tous superbes ! J'aime beaucoup tes "livres" aussi, le jaune et gris est trop beau !


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