April in review

 Another month has come and gone, how is that possible really? I am not sure how much I have to report really, it feels like another month has gone in a flash.

Let's see...

I finally made some bags for my quilting frame parts

And while the quilting frame was out, I quilted 3 tops
one is now completely finished!

I also cut out fabric for a new QAL (I know, I know...)

And I worked on 3 other projects that I haven't manage to finsh: a Persephone purse, a raincoat and a swimming costume.
Linking to April Furtle



  1. I’d say you had plenty to share! I love that ‘sewing studio’ quilt/sign/hanging, hooray for finishes! *waves pompoms* Have fun with the QAL and thanks for Furtling!


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