Free-motion quilting

The last 2 weeks have been school holidays for the kids and the original plan was to travel back to France. Sadly, with Covid cases on the rise in France, it just hasn't been possible. Regardless, I had a week off just before Easter and lots of plans for hours of sewing. Well, it didn't quite work out on the hours of sewing and cutting, I hardly did any in the end. Thinking about it I am not sure what I did! Anyway, once the Super Mario quilt top was ready for quilting, I got my quilting frame out and set up. Again I was planning to have it put away before Easter but in the end that didn't work out either....

Anyway, the first top on the frame was Super Mario, which is rather big the sashing and borders, and took 11 bobbins to quilt! 

The second one was my snowflake top that I finished last December. I had planned to quilt that one before Christmas but that was when my machine decided to stop working so it had to wait until the next quilting session. This one only took 3 bobbins.

And the last one on the frame was the Sewing Studio banner. Of course this one is much smaller but still used 2 bobbins because of the matchstick quilting I used on it.

Now I have 3 quilts to bind so hopefully some finish soon! And although my frame is taken apart, I haven't put it away yet. I want to make some bags to store the components more safely.



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