January in review

First month of the year is over, and it has been rather cold and quite often grey or wet. I am happy that I have finally started to take more sewing time or at least sewing related time! Not much to show for it but I have revisited some abandoned projects and progressed some others. As long as I don't get distracted by 20 new projects, I might be able to finish a few this year!

First I finished a bag that I had planned to make early November, better late than never! It is already in use and I love it.

I also worked on an old UFO which went from a pile of blocks (not all completed) to a mini top! Lots of pieces of paper to remove on the back too, all gone now! Not quite finish but not far either! Let's hope it won't take me another 12 years to quilt it...

I made a secret block for a secret project!

A total of 29 blocks this month

And finally I managed quite a lot of stitching on the Nutcracker Parade which I will most probably park away now until next winter/Christmas.

Before we moved, I decluttered my stash quite significantly and sold quite a few pieces of fabric. I packed all the ones that didn't sell with me. This month, I went through the pile and also took another look at my stash with the aim to reduce it again. I am glad to report that I managed to list quite a few pieces and so far, I have sold over 30 pieces. Still so much to let go off though...

Linking to January Furtle



  1. What a busy month of sewing you’ve had! Hooray for finishes and for progress *waves pompoms* Thanks for Furtling!

  2. Your storm at sea is really pretty. I too hope it doesn't take long for you to finish it.

  3. Oh, what lovely work. Great sewing progress!!!


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