May in review

Sadly, it has been another month of sewing drought more or less. My sewing space is still not organised but looks more like a dumping space. I haven't turned my sewing machine on for over one month and I have hardly stitched for the whole month. In turn, it has been another month of building work going on in over half of the house (still not finished sadly, even though we have finally recovered the use of most of the rooms) and of dust, dust and even more dust... I honestly can't wait for this work to be fully finished. More patience will be needed as we have another part of the house to do later in the year but we should get a little break of normality in the meantime once the painter has finally come back to finish the ceilings. Sometimes I wonder whether I'll be able to find time/energy/motivation to sew again... I am hoping that it is just because of the ambient chaos/mess in the house that I can't get going. Anyway we had 2 week-ends away so I took advantage of...