
Showing posts from August, 2023

August Furtle

  As I mentioned in my previous post, a good chin of the month has been spent travelling abroad so there has been some hand sewing time while I was far from home. Sadly I haven't really turned on my sewing machine much since we came back, apart to hem my daughter's curtain (and I'm glad I did it straight away rather than pushing it for later!!) Before we went I made a few more scrappy baskets And I also made a new pair of PJ for hubby, overcoming my Cricut fear! And while travelling I finished assembling my first 4 Dear Jane rows, completed block E5 and added to row E and started on block E9 and E13. I also made 6 blocks for my Mischief quilt.  And stitched a tiny little more on my cross stitch project Quite a productive month overall, if I say so myself! Linking to August Furtle . CĆ©line 

Little more progress

  We are back from pour holidays in Canada and the normal rush of work/kids/house is un full speed again...  Our trip in Canada was really nice, and although I was going to make it to a quilting shop or even a craft store, none of that happened! We visited Toronto and the Niagara Falls and then moved on to QuĆ©bec for a little tour. Lots of lovely sights and a great encounter with whales and black bears! Holidays has also meant hand sewing as you might have seen in my previous posts and with that I managed 2 more blocks for the Mischief quilt, a yellow and a green.  I've been briefly looking for block(s) I made before but I had only made one which has been stained it seems when the basement got flooded... Linking to  D esign Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,  Can I get a Whoop Whoop ,  Peacock Party ,...


  A long long long forgotten project that I have unearthed recently, kind of randomly... I started the Mischief project when I received the kit from Karen in 2017 but it hardly progressed despite being ready to be picked up any time and on the go. It has been so long ago since I did anything with it that it had dropped all my UFO list a while ago.  I found some pieces ready to be assembled into blocks And also some pieces assembled I picked up all the blue that I found already prepared to progress on this blocks, sometimes with mixed sucess....   But went on to be better after this little hiccup.   And I now have 4 completed blocks I'm hoping that I'll be able to cut fabric pieces on my cricut so that this dormant project can finally move on... Linking to   D esign Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,...

Star trek PJ

  After the girls' summer PJ, I have been meaning to move to the boys' ones. I started cutting one for hubby about 3 or 4 weeks ago but then disaster struck, we had a heavy thunderstorm with lots of rain and the basement where our office/sewing room is got flooded so we spent the rest of the evening mopping it up. By that time, I had cut all but the neckline and the sleeves.   I used a lovely soft cotton jersey for the top that I had bought about a year before at a local fair. I use the Starthcona Henley pattern by Thread Theory in the straightforward T-shirt variation and cut a size L. Massive achievement for this T-shirt was the embellishment I was planning to add but was scared of trying out. Since the fabric is plain, I thought I'd add the Star Trek logo that I could cut with my Cricut and fuse to the T-shirt. I finally decided to try and it was much easier and quicker than I had feared actually! I used an iron flex I bought locally and it worked just fine.  I ...

Dear Jane progress

  I have been travelling with my Dear Jane again lately and after 3 attempts on attaching Row B to Row C, it is finally sewn correctly. For some reason, I couldn't seem to align B12 and C12 correctly and had to unpick twice. Happy that it is now fixed and my first 4 rows are fully assembled. I can't add row E yet as I am missing 3 blocks E5, E9 and E13. I started on E5 [Rising Sun] on our recent trip to the UK and it is now finished, with the sashing and added to the row.  With those baskets, I've spent at least 15 minutes sewing most days last week, encouraged by   Kate's challenge . Linking to  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,  Can I get a Whoop Whoop ,  Peacock Party ,  Patchwork and Quilt ,  D esign Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d . CĆ©line

More baskets

  We all travelled back to England this week to see friends. Before we went, I made 2 more baskets as gift. A Barbie pink one for my youngest to gift to her friend and a blue one w ith horses for my eldest daughter to gift to her friend too After my first basket following the tutorial for the binding, I didn't like the bulk at the junction so I decided to join the binding with a 45 angle and it is much neater. I also serged the seam of the lining to have a neater finish there too. 4 little baskets made over the last 2 weeks and I can really say it's made a difference to my stash BUT it's for me spending some sewing time almost every day and following  Kate's challenge . Linking to  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,   Off the wall Friday ,  Can I get a Whoop Whoop ,  Peacock Party ,  Patchwork and Quilt ,  D esign Wall Monday ,  Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Happy Needle and Threa d CĆ©line

August goals

  Summer seems to have turn to autumn here. The great outdoor is not appealing at all with all the rain and cold weather... but at the sale time, I don't seem to have much energy either. I think sewing time will be rather limited this month so I shouldn't be over-ambitious with the list! Qui lting 1 .  Impromptu quilt - I have cheated with this one by trimming it and putting on the bed, without the binding so we have been enjoying it already but it would be so very nice to finish it properly.... Dressmaking 1 .  Aquarius dress - this one was "finished" for my daughter's Communion in June but needed some fixing so I have unpicked the hem and fixed the rest. Maybe I can finally sew the hem again 2. Hubby's  PJs -  these are half cut already - Let's make it my  One monthly goal 3. Linen Skirt Bags 1.  Moonwake bag 2.  Town bag by Grainline - cut and started but not progressing 3.  Scrappy baskets 4. Corkordion Wallet Cross-stitch 1. Grimm's Tale...