
Showing posts from 2024

December Furtle

Well, this will be a very short one since I haven't turned my sewing machine on at all this month nor have I touched a needle... A mixture of too much to do, not enough time and more importantly, my finger is still not operational... So with that, the month and the year are nearly over but this is not my most productive one by all means... Wishing you all the best for 2025 and hoping somewhere I will find my sewjo again... Linking to December Furtle CĆ©line

#2025 Quilting Planning Party

  As 2024 is very nearly over - and I can't say I have managed that much sewing, even less in the last month as my sewjo seems to have completely deserted me - I am looking at 2025 with great hopes but also fears that once more time will disappear before me. Anyway, it is time to join Yvonne for the #2025 Quilting Planning Party. Before planning for the New Year ahead, a quick recap, remembering that I have been at some point weeks (months maybe even?) without touching a needle or fabric. Last year I had hoped to 1. finish a few quilting UFOs, I had selected 4 but didn't progressed any 2.  make a few dressmaking pieces, but didn't make that many in the end 3. finish one cross-stitch piece and half of the other one, I am not there yet 4. progress some WIP, I managed to work on my Dear Jane a little  5. make a new bag - not even started I am not even sure what I should be planning for 2025 as I am hoping we will be able to move house during the course of the year....

Best of 2024

  Time to reflect, time to look back before looking ahead. The year has been busy overall but very unbalanced with regards to my sewing time. Some months have definitely been better than others. One "almost finished" I am really happy with is my Modern City Scape quilt top. The quilt along started in January with one new block a week. I kept up with the schedule for a while but then fell off the wagon when I didn't sew for a long while. I was determined I would finish the top this year and not push it to my UFO list... Now it is not yet quilted (and I have no idea how I will quilt it or when) but I am very happy it is pieced completely. Linking to Best of 2024 Linky Party . CĆ©line

Winter coat

  I have been wearing my new winter coat for a while now but hadn't posted yet as it is still missing its hood... Years ago, I made a neoprene coat from The Makers' Atelier. I loved it and wore it a lot, so it was time for a new one. I wondered whether to make another one using the same pattern again but I thought I'd like a hood this time. I settled on the Silvia coatigan by Schnittchen Patterns  as I really liked the shape of it. I had a beige neoprene in my stash with a lovely texture that almost looked like a woollen fabric that I thought would work for it and also found a piece of silk that my friend gifted me.  I cut all the pieces in September and made the coat then (minus the hood). I started wearing it when I went to a conference end of September.  I thought I'd made the hood as soon as I'd get back from the conference and although I attempted to I didn't manage to finish it and it is still sitting on my sewing table....  I didn't have much of the s...

December goals

  December is always such a busy month that I shouldn't really plan much. It is also the time when new QAL are posted and temptation to take one or 10 new projects is very high!!! Maybe I should concentrate on finishing a few things? Qui lting 1.   Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along - only January and March done... think about what to do with those blocks? 2. Dear Jane - I should really really finish row F before the end of the year... 1 block needed 3. Birthday blocks - only about 12 blocks done, maybe finish it to make a cushion cover 4. Harry Potter - a few more blocks needed to finish this top 5. Tambo star - hoping to start  this new quilt along, as I have already missed the boat. 6. Mini alphabet quilt along -  one block done, make a pouch out of it? 7. Fussy cut thimbles sew along -  new quilt along from October - 5  blocks done so far  - decide what to do with them? Dressmaking / Sewing 1.  Sew a piece of clothing for me: blouse, trousers, summe...

November Furtle

  I thought I had started quite well, finally finding some little pockets of time to sew after a very unproductive month and then this happened.. . on 20th, which stopped me in my tracks in some ways.... At the beginning of the month I had managed to finally finish my Modern City Scape top. And I have even taken all the papers out now! I also made 3 more thimble blocks so I now have 5 one mini alphabet letter and a little tea cup that I am hoping to turn into a pouch And nothing more really. Everything is quite challenging at the moment with this metal frame around my little finger. Hoping this comes off soon-ish but it is already 10 days... Linking to  November Furtle CĆ©line

Paper piecing blocks

  I am so happy that I have managed just a little sewing this week despit my injury. Not much really but 3 more paper piecing blocks are finished. One more thimble One Mini Alphabet block, the only one so far... and a mini tea cup block Can you believe that there are 13 pieces of fabric in this piece? Linking to  Design Wall Monday ,    Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,  Off the wall Friday ,  Patchwork and Quilt CĆ©line

To Do Tuesday

 Well this last week has certainly not gone according to plan... there has been no sewing at all. Reason for it One fall past Wednesday morning while walking the šŸ• = one morning in A&E for a broken finger and a torn nail... I haven't even attempted to do anything creative since... not sure if I'll manage to do anything next week but my list for next week is still exactly the same as last week as I haven't progressed on anything...  1. Cut one or two PJs for the girls  2. Finish my alphabet block (C)  3. Make more thimble blocks  4. Make the hood of my Silvia coatigan, unpick the hem and sew it back 5. Make a tea cup block 6. Make a tea or coffee sleve Linking to  Carol's To Do Tuesday Linky party CĆ©line

To Do Tuesday

  Just a little bit of time here and there but finally I have managed to sew a little... Here was my plan from last week 1. Find some fabric to make some PJs for the girls - got my stock out, now to get them to pick some maybe? 2. Make one alphabet block (C) - started 3. Finish the thimbles I had already started - finished 4. Work on the hood of my Silvia coatigan  -   no progress and now my plan for next week 1. Cut one or two PJs for the girls  2. Finish my alphabet block (C)  3. Make more thimble blocks  4. Make the hood of my Silvia coatigan, unpick the hem and sew it back 5. Make a tea cup block 6. Make a tea or coffee sleve Linking to  Carol's To Do Tuesday Linky party CĆ©line

Mini thimbles

  A few weeks back, a new sew along started to sew fussy cut mini thimbles with Happy Sew Lucky. I was hoping to keep the pace but failed miserably. I nearly made the first 2 blocks on time and then completely got lost... Finally this week I've finished 4 little thimbles I'm hoping I can make a few more here and there... Linking to  Design Wall Monday ,    Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,  Off the wall Friday ,  Patchwork and Quilt , CĆ©line 

To Do Tuesday

  I am happy to say that I finally took some very little time to sew in the past week, at long last! Let's have a look at the list and draw a new one for this week, in case there was again some free time, one can dream :-) Here was my plan from last week 1.   Work on Modern City Scape block #24 & #25 - finished both and the quilt top too  2. Finish my Silvia coatigan - no progress 3.  Start the mini alphabet blocks -  no progress 4. Continue the fussy cut thimble blocks -  no progress 5. Make a new bag -  not started and now my plan for next week 1. Find some fabric to make some PJs for the girls 2. Make one alphabet block (C) 3. Finish the thimbles I had already started 4. Work on the hood of my Silvia coatigan Linking to  Carol's To Do Tuesday Linky party CĆ©line

Modern City Scape

 I haven't really posted anything new for so long but finally! Block #24 is finished and also block #25 Which means the last row could be put together And added to the other 4 rows. And with that my quilt top is complete! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ Now starts the joy of removing the papers... before one day finishing it! This was my OMG project Linking to  Patchwork and Quilt ,  Design Wall Monday ,    Midweek Makers ,  Wednesday Wait Loss ,  Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Put your foot down ,  Brag about your Beauties ,  Off the wall Friday . CĆ©line 

To Do Tuesday

  Wow it is a full month since I last wrote a weekly list... hopefully drawing a list will help me focus on a few projets when time allows... 1.   Work on Modern City Scape block #24 & #25 2. Finish my Silvia coatigan new coat  3.  Start the mini alphabet blocks  4. Continue the fussy cut thimble blocks  5. Make a new bag Linking to  Carol's To Do Tuesday Linky party CĆ©line

November goals

  Again m ore business travel this month as well as lots of other big projets going on so I'm not sure how much sewing time I'll be able to fit in. Still hoping to steal some little pockets of time! Qui lting 1.   Ravenbrook Scrap Quilt Along - February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November blocks needed - nearly all of them really... 2. Dear Jane - hoping to finish row F... 1 block needed 3. Modern City Scape -  hoping to catch up and finish  this quilt along - only 2 more blocks needed. Hoping to finish the top this month -  this will be my   One monthly goal 4. Birthday blocks -  hoping to catch up and continue  with this quilt along or maybe not now. Decision needed! 5. Farmer's Wife - 1 or 2 blocks? But I guess highly unlikely 6. Harry Potter - a few more blocks needed to finish this top 8. Tambo star - hoping to start  this new quilt along, as I have already missed the boat. 9. Mini alphabet quilt along -...

October Furtle

 Another month which has disappeared VERY quickly with very little sewing really! And this partly because of a big trip that was scheduled late October... I had a business trip to Japan so took the opportunity to extend by a couple of days to enjoy Tokyo. So there has been a lot to prepare before and a lot to do... All I managed to achieve this month is to see these 2 thimbles for Happy Sew Lucky QAL And to add the button and sew the hems on my coat. Still no hood though.  I started block F11 for my Dear Jane while travelling but haven't yet finished it.  I cut the pieces for the last 2 Modern City Scape blocks, hoping that I'd have time to sew them up but that didn't materialise.  Linking to October Furtle CĆ©line