As 2024 is very nearly over - and I can't say I have managed that much sewing, even less in the last month as my sewjo seems to have completely deserted me - I am looking at 2025 with great hopes but also fears that once more time will disappear before me. Anyway, it is time to join Yvonne for the #2025 Quilting Planning Party. Before planning for the New Year ahead, a quick recap, remembering that I have been at some point weeks (months maybe even?) without touching a needle or fabric. Last year I had hoped to 1. finish a few quilting UFOs, I had selected 4 but didn't progressed any 2. make a few dressmaking pieces, but didn't make that many in the end 3. finish one cross-stitch piece and half of the other one, I am not there yet 4. progress some WIP, I managed to work on my Dear Jane a little 5. make a new bag - not even started I am not even sure what I should be planning for 2025 as I am hoping we will be able to move house during the course of the year....