
H-12 Hannah Lou's Hearts

A Dear Jane block for applique lovers!

1. Cut a 6' square of your background fabric
2. Fold you square in half along the diagonal and press slightly.
3. Fold in half again along the diagonal and press slightly again. Your hearts will be set against those diagonals.
4. Trace the hearts on the wrong side of your background square to help with the placement of the applique pieces later on.
5. Trace your hearts on freezer paper.
6. Cut the hearts out and iron on the right side of your fabric.
7. Cut your hearts out leaving a seam allowance around the freezer paper. Clip the curves
8. Place your first heart with freezer paper still on, on your background square and pin it. Use the diagonals and the design on the wrong side of the background square to help with the placement.
9. Needle-turn applique your heart on the background square, matching your thread to the fabric of your hearts.

10. Remove the freezer paper once the heart is sewn. Repeat four times and your block is done! You just need to trim it to size.

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