A Dear Jane post

I haven't posted about my Dear Jane blocks before. It is probably because I haven't done a new block for well over one year, unfortunately :-( I have over 100 blocks done but there are all stored away in a drawer.

I have signed up for the Winter Holiday Dear Jane swap on the Dear Jane mailing list. I have worked on my blocks for the swap this week-end and have almost finish my first set L13 Harvest Moon. I have made 5 blocks so far which is enough for one set but I want to make 2 extras: one for the swap Mummy and one for me!

I have also received 2 very lovely siggies from the swap that Annelies organises. One from Annelies herself (it is my third siggie from her!)
and one from Cuny:

I found out about this one on one swap by reading Mary-Ann's blog and I had also learned about it when I met Marianne Nesse from Norway in Birmingham this summer.

I haven't made mine yet. I am planning to screen print my squares and haven't had chance yet. I will post a picture when they are done.

And remember my giveaway is open until Sunday and there is not much competition so far! If you want to play, leave a comment under the post below.



  1. Hello, I am doing my Dear Jane's blocks too.You have beautiful works. Hugs from Brazil.


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