Bag - part 1

Long time, no blogging... I have been busy, not quite sure what with but never mind. First I finished Big Boy PE bag last week and never got around to post a picture. I think he likes it. Here he is modelling his drawstring bag for Mummy.

My Mum came and stayed with us last week-end so we had quite a relaxing time and I didn't do much sewing, although she likes sewing as well. She used to make most of my clothes when I was little. On Saturday I went to LCQ for our Saturday sewing day and started a Celtic panel. I only managed to cut and fuse all the pieces but at least this is a start. I now need to decide which colour bias I will use. I am not sure yet. I am worried that black might be too strong and as for purple/burgundy, I would need to find the right colour. Or I could make my own bias... decisions, decisions... Any suggestions?

Big Boy started school officially on Tuesday afternoon. Daddy and I took him there with our friend and his "adoptive" granny. Although he was delighted to go, he wasn't so sure he wanted to stay on Tuesday. All went well and he is delighted to go. He is so much into drawing and writing and counting and wanted to learn to read at the moment. He can't seem to be getting enough of school work.
The title of my post was *bag - part 1* so yes there will be a *bag part 2* soon... I'll tell you all about my last minute crazy project. Watch this space!
Good night,



  1. Celine, what about a grey or charcoal? I think it will show without being as harsh as black? :)
    In amy case, congrats on starting school and your block is FAB!

  2. Celine---love that block.


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