Dear Jane Triangle

Yes you read right I have finally picked up my Dear Jane and made one triangle. I had "abandoned" it since 2007 I am ashamed to say. So earlier this year I thought I would follow the TOW (Triangle Of the Week) on the Dear Jane mailing list. Well it didn't quite work that way but I drafted 2 triangles and a few months later, BR-9 Sue's Garden is finished and the second one is nearly done. I have even drafted another two. Let's see if I can complete 10 blocks or triangles this year!


  1. The triangle is very interested, but how do they go together or is it a square behind it?

  2. I would never have the patience to start a Dear Jane quilt - (Ms Instant Gratification, that's me) - but I admire those people who do make one.

  3. I dropped by to say an Aussie hello from Spring Fever Bingo!!

    I too am making a DJ - I have 41 triangles to make (the centre squares are all complete), but have found myself into many other things and poor DJ is sitting there. On my blog you'll see a quilt I was involved with for our towns centenary. That took a lot of time over the last 7 months.

    So I must get back to my DJ!!



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