A bit of everything...

I went to my quilting group yesterday for a day of sewing with some chatting of course. Always a good day!

I did a bit of everything yesterday. I wanted to finish my bag that I started at our last meeting as I hadn't done much since. I only prepared and sewn some pockets to the lining. So I prepared my zip but I didn't have a zipper foot with me so I only got to the prep' stage.

During my week of holidays in France, I tried to catch up with the Civil War BOW and managed to finish all the blocks I had cut: #7 Log Cabin
and #8 Cotton Boll
but one #6 Richmond that I finished yesterday. It isn't perfect and some of the points have gone but it will stay like that.

After the lunch break I did some blocks for this month lotto. The blocks are very effective, they are called "Disappearing 4-Patch". They look a lot more complex that they actually are. Everybody was amazed at this blocks so I think we might have some quilts in the making with this block, who knows! I really wish I could win this month. I have made 7 blocks so far and will make 2 more to maximise my chances. I haven't won before maybe this month will me my lucky time!

Big Boy will be 5 this week and he will have a Birthday Party with his friends at the local soft play area. I am making the cake for the party and found a fantastic book of cakes for children at the supermarket this week.
The cakes in the book are awesome but I was a bit worried about the cakes Big Boy had chosen so I hought I would do a "practice" cake.
I baked a chocolate cake and a sponge cake last night in the new silicone tin I bought. The book uses cake mix to make each cake and has basic instructions to make your own cake but the explanation are quite vague. It said to bake the cake in a moderate oven until baked with no indication of temperature or time. So the chocolate cake wasn't quite bake enough and stuck to the bottom of the tin (yummy but not really an eye candy!) and the sponge cake was slightly dry because maybe slightly over baked! Anyway, I decorated the sponge cake today with green butter cream and grey ready icing and a few sweets and toys:
Big Boy is really pleased with his cake so I can now make another one for his party on Wednesday!



  1. I have some old Australian Women's Weekly cookbooks and a moderate oven is 180deg Celcius or 350deg Fahrenheit. Sponges are cooked for 20 mins if in 2x8" sandwich tins or 30 mins if in one 8" round/square tin. As chocolate cake is moister/denser it needs 35-40 in an 8" round/square tin. I always bottom line the tin with baking paper for choc cake to stop it sticking. Hope this helps and the party goes great :).

  2. I always line my tins too, even when I use a silicone pan. Icing helps cover all sorts of mistakes as well. Love your CW blocks, still catching up on mine.


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