African violet for the block lotto

Have you seen the block for this month lotto? It is called African Violet and it is just gorgeous. I have only made one block so far but am hoping to make more before the end of the month. And then I will be crossing my fingers and toes very hard to hope to win a set. Don't think I can be lucky twice in the same year but one can hope! Here is my first block:

If you want to participate and make some wonderful blocks as well, there is still time. Hop over to the block lotto blog to read the rules to make the block and marvel at all the blocks already submitted (over 150 to date). Then contact Sophie to tell her about your blocks. Be quick though you only have until the end of the month. The blocks are put together quite quickly I must say.
Good luck if you are playing, and I hope I'll be one of the lucky one too!


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