
Well, I can't believe it has been nearly a week since my last post. Where is the time going? This week has definitely flown by me. First Miss Baby has caught the bug that we had  been dealing with the previous week and has been poorly with spikes of extremely high temperature... not fun. She seems to finally be on the mend after a full week of drugs etc. Then my Mum was here for most of the week as we had tickets to see the dressage competition in the Olympics.
We headed down to Greenwich Park on Thursday with my Mum and her partner and my 2 older children, leaving Miss Baby in Daddy's care for the day. It was great to be part of the Olympics. We don't know anything about dressage so it was a bit hard to follow and the kiddies got bored before the end but it was definitely a great day, even after being soaked by a very heavy shower just after lunch.

With such an eventful and busy week, I have hardly had time to sew during the week. My Mum took the 2 older children back to France with her for a holiday yesterday morning so I finally managed to escape to my sewing room for a while...
I have finished my second block for Lee for Bee Weave It or Not. I made a pink
and a lime green block
I really love how the monochromatic blocks look!

Since early July, I have had all the blocks back for my Maisy quilt for Miss Strawberry Shortcake. I had one more Irish Chain block to make to be able to finish piecing the top. Well, I finished that last block last night and put all the rows together to make the quilt top centre.
Now onto the borders before I can quilt it. Will I finish it this month? Stay tuned!



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