Teacher's presents

So today was finally the last day of term for the kids, the summer holiday has officially started and it will be very short with just under 6 weeks off. And of course, last night, I was frantically finishing the teacher's presents. I made some little key pouches from Heidi's tutorial (similar to the one I made last week for the sample swap at the Fat Quarterly Retreat). In total I made 10 of these little pouches: 1 as a trial that I kept for myself, 3 for the sample swaps, 5 for the teachers and 1 with strawberries for my Strawberry Swap partner.

And for the teachers I also made some little mug rugs. I shamelessly copied an idea from Colette Moscrop to make some pages from the kids notebook but with fabric pens.

The kids wrote their message on their homework page!
And I made this cute paper pieced hedgehog for Miss Strawberry Shortcake's teacher as she was in Hedgehog class this year and free-motion around the hedgehog.

and just some free-motion quilting for Mr Cars' teacher

2 little mug rugs which were given out today together with the keypouch.

So that makes it 12 OPAMs this month, wow! And also I can cross off one item on my Q3 Finish Along List.
Linking to Needle and Thread ThursdayI Quilt Thursday and to Free Motion Mavericks.


  1. They all are so cute. I need to make that little hedgehog for my daughter as she is obsessed with them.

  2. What wonderful gift ideas. I love them all bt that hedgehog is so darn stinkin cute!

  3. Hello Celine,

    You have been busy! I love the hedgehog, he's really spiky.

    It would be lovely if you linked up to Free Motion Mavericks, a linky I have started on my blog every weekend..

    Look forward to seeing you there!

    Love, Muv

  4. I love the hedgehog! I started that pattern once, did something wrong and never finished it :(

  5. Love that little hedgehog! The quilting adds such nice texture :-)


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