A finish and a good one too!

Where does the time disappear, I am sure the days have shrunk in length, I can't believe it is nearly 2 weeks since my last block post. Admittedly we have been quite busy, we have reached this time of year where we celebrate the kids' birthdays, all 3 over about a few weeks. The festivities started last week with a trip back to France to celebrate all 3 birthdays at once with family and friends (also known as extended family!)

So of course, I have been busy baking and baking again. And then this week my eldest princess turned 6, so more baking has been and will be involved (one more cake to make tomorrow)!

And then stupidly enough I thought it would be such a good idea to make her a Frozen dress for her birthday. Yes such a good idea when you have no experience of sewing clothes. My original plan was to make my skirt with the sew-along in January and then to tackle Frozen but that didn't quite work out. And Frozen dress is so simple with a bodice in 4 parts, a yoke and long sleeves, a zip in the back.

And of course, it is made of beginner-friendly fabrics: satin, sequined knit, tulle and organza... easy-peasy - not! And while I was at it I thought I might as well try to start using the overlocker I received as a birthday present. Why keep it simple after all? (There was a lot of chocolate involved I must say)

Well you know what? The construction of the dress has been a disaster, from start to finish. I have sewn the wrong pieces together, the wrong sides together, didn't match the side seams, you name it, I did it! About every day I made one or more mistakes while working on the dress. But progress was regularly checked on by miss Princess and of course, there was a deadline with her birthday approaching, not that she was counting the days left every morning!

So with great great support from lovely friends online, I actually did it. The dress was finished for her birthday (well just after midnight the evening leading to her birthday).

I was so happy to have it finished for her in time. And I think this is her favorite present, which makes me so happy and proud!

And now, I need to start again from step 1 and make another one for the little princess in the house. Lucky that my third is a boy! And no, I am not making him an Olaf costume!

So this ticks quite a few items on the 2015 Sewing  Bucket list, I have crossed 5, 8, 9 and 16 all in one go!
sewing bucket list 2015
And this is half of one of my Finish Along list for Q1 and half of one of my Sewing Goals!
And this is my first OPAM for February.
Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday.



  1. Beautiful dress, really nice work, fabulous fabric choices.

  2. I made one of these for a granddaughter last fall. I have experience sewing clothes and I still found it challenging, so good for you for accomplishing it! It is a beautiful dress. I have to sew all the parts that touched the sequined bodice by hand as my machine wouldn't sew the sequined fabric. And almost every piece touches the bodice!!


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