I made a coat! (well almost!)

Something I never dreamt I would be able to write! When I want to the show in London in March, I visited the Maker's Atelier stand and fell in love with the models, the book etc....One particular item that I really loved and have been wanting to make ever since was the neoprene coat. My husband commented that the white neoprene coat looked a little like a lab gown (we're both chemist by training!) so I picked a lovely purple neoprene that I had to stash away for a little while because there were some other urgent projects!

And finally last week-end I got my fabric out ready to be cut and sewn
The cutting stage: nice and heavy so it doesn't move about!
First pocket is applique to the front panel, so easy to sew through neoprene, I loved it.
Time to put the coat together
And tada! The coat is all sewn together, the only thing I need to add is the closure now but I need to go to the shop for that.
Love it with the raw edge and "outside"seams
It was so nice to put together, I might do another one in a different fabric too

So not quite an OPAM because it needs buttons or poppers but nearly there!

And this week-end I cut into my denim glitter to make a Mabel skirt, which is nearly there too. Only needs the hem now.



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