Novermber in review

November is over.... already. It has gone so fast, I can't believe it is finished, and we are about to enter the last month of the year. So of course, I didn't finish all I was hoping for but there have been a few finishes or nearly finish this month. Hoping for finish 1. Lander trousers (green) - Let's just add the waistband and loops and hem it to enjoy this new pair of trousers!. Some progress but not finished, hem and buttons are still missing. 2. Dance bag for A - I have gone as far as cutting the fabric, will it be finished before Christmas? No progress 3. Dance bag for C - not started but it would be good to finish it at the same time as the other one more or less.... No progress 4. Long Time Gone - I am hoping to load this one on the frame soon.... Some progress but not finished, still on the quilting frame 5. White and red disappearing 4-patch (blocks from the Block Lotto March 2011) - finished and gifted to my cousin mid November ...