home deco done for now!

I had mentioned last week that I was making a calendar on my wall with blackboard/magnetic paint, well it is now completed as off yesterday and is already in use as you can see from the photo below. I now need to buy different colours of chalks to get a more organised calendar and to make some personnalised magnets to finish the look!

preparation work with masking tape:

completed calendar already in use:

I have also completed my other wall where I was planning to paint a Japanese cherry tree. I had to repaint the wall first to have a clean start. I found the pot of paint which was originally used by previous owners (probably when the house was built about 10 years ago). The paint was quite thick so I added water and there were quite a few bit of rust in it but I managed to recover enough to freshen the wall. I then found out that I didn't have the appropriate brush so I ended up painting the wall with a cloth. Great to give some soft texture! The tree shape was painted yesterday and I did all the flowers today.
This is the whole wall in the hall:

and here is a close-up look at my painting!

This was my first time being creative on my walls and I quite enjoyed the process. I have lots of ideas now of what else could be done to freshen the whole house. I will surely run out of time though. In less than 2 monts, I shall be back at work...



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