May in review

After a lovely week off with the kiddies in Centre Parcs in Belgium, it is back to the UK today where we were greeted by the SUN! How incredible and how nice. It was a nice ending to the school holidays really. We had a great and busy week, taking full advantage of all the facilities Centre Parcs has to offer. And despite a bad tonsillitis with high temperature for Miss Baby, we had a great time. Miss Strawberry Shortcake even won a pizza maker at the bingo night! I have found some time for little hand sewing during the week, but a lot less than I was hoping for. Never mind, I should be back on the train soon for the work commute where I will have plenty of time for hand sewing. Anyway today is the day to review May and link up with Lilly's Quilt for Fresh Sewing Day.

Once again, there are plenty of bee/swap blocks (I think Royal Mail should offer a special rate to quilters/swap addicts really) and one top that is almost finished, still need a few blocks.



  1. Love the solids blocks.
    Dropping by from Fresh Sewing Day. :)

  2. Love those HST and Solids blocks :-) looks like a successful month!

  3. Agree on the discount Celine! Well done for getting those blocks done and a nearly quilt finish!


  4. Thank you , Chris, I found this exercise highly interesting.

    Send Large Teddies


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