Some OPAM!

So finally I can add something to my OPAM list, which is not that I have finished a curtain or more. Nothing better than a swap deadline to keep me on my toes! I showed you last week the wonderful treasures I received from Liz for the FLiRTS swap, well last week it was my turn to send some treasures too.

My partner had on her wish list a travel/sewing bag so I went back to the Zakka style book to make her the travel kit with the pincushion.

I used the Field Study fabric that I had ordered just before my holidays.
But then I thought that the travel kit was looking a big lonely
so I also made a fabric basket from this tutorial from Ashley.
It is super easy to make if you are not too nervous about sewing curves
and I really like how it looks. I have cut another 2 from the linen Japanese fabric I bought in London last week but I haven't identified a suitable lining fabric yet.
My package is now travelling to my partner, fingers crossed she likes it!

So that gives me a grand total of 3 OPAMs, my best month so far this year!
Linking up to Lucy for Let's get acquainted Monday and to Janice for Sew Cute Tuesday


  1. I love the fabric basket! I am sure your partner will love it.


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