Hand piecing

Commuting is a waste of time and I do that for about 2 hours everyday. Thankfully my commute is on the train, which means that I can use the time as I want. So when I get a seat (not always in the evening), I usually play with some English Paper Piecing, hexies or others. This month, I had the added pleasure of serious train problems which doubled the commuting time and meant that I finished my cute flower of 1/2' hexies for Isabel for Get Your Hex On.
I made these 2 flowers for the Inchy Hexie Swap
I also started on my Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Cross blocks, but just! I am hoping to make some progress on those lovely blocks soon as I am already behind!


  1. I've just started my Boston blocks - thanks so much for the shapes. One of my inchy hexie flowers is done and the other sitting ready to be sewn this evening. Speaking if which, I should get off the pc and sew :)

  2. I'm not doing one, but did send my Mom and sister the link to your LBPotC Flikr group, as they both want to make a LBPotC quilt!


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