December in review

The month, and the year are almost over. December has been very very busy but there hasn't been much time for sewing unfortunately. Let's hope there will be more in the New Year. Thankfully I managed to squeeze a few finishes :-) Hoping for finish 1. Lander trousers (green) - One buttonhole, buttons and hems are needed - finished 2. Dance bag for A - have gone as far as cutting the fabric, will it be finished before Christmas? - no progress 3. Dance bag for C - not started but it would be good to finish it at the same time as the other one more or less.... - no progress 4. Long Time Gone - quilting is finished and the binding is nearly finished! This was my One monthly goal again - finished 5. Colour Companions cushions - I have all I need to finish these ones, just need some time! - no progress 6. Christmas pillows for the 3 kids - done WIP 1. Farmer's wife- - this o...