Q1 FAL 2017

Another year and of course another stupidly long list of projects, what else! How many can I finish in one quarter? and hopefully a few UFOs will get taken out of their bags and finished off! But I am sure I'll also be tempted by new projects along the way...

1. Medaillon quilt - one of my oldest UFO from about 10 years ago. The top was a round robin and I never got around to quilt it because it is big!

2.  Quilt for E - HK QAL - all cut, it would be good to have it done for her birthday in April

3. Wanta Fanta - only one more block needed - can I get it finished for A's official birthday end of February?

4. Elephant quilt - all the elephants are finished, only a few more blocks needed - can I get the quilt finished for C's birthday in February?

5. Super Mario quilt - a few blocks still needed - can I get it finished for M's birthday in March?

6. Pillow case for all 3 kids for their birthday - 2 Frozen and 1 with guitar

7. Impromptu along - abandoned 3 years ago!

8. Pumpkin Passport Cross stitch - I have stitched up to September, 3 months to catch up

9. Toaster sweater 1

10. Toaster sweater 2

11. Saunio cardigan

12. Floral Supply Case Sew Along

13. Bean bag for M

14. Bean bag for C

15. Bean bag for A

A few different projects this quarter, stretching out of my comfort zone! so 15 projects is more than enough and as well a few UFOs

Linking to Q1 Finish Along.



  1. So many fantastic projects! You can definitely finish up a few of these. I tend to have about 15 WIPS going at all times too. Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.

  2. You always have the longest list of anybody I know Celine, but you are so near a finish on lots of them, Go girl


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