October in review

Halloween is there, must mean that the month is over.... already! Quite a busy month actually with a few finishes, not necessarily the ones I was anticipating.... Hoping for finish 1. Lander trousers (green) - only the waistband and hem to do now, although it looks finished on this picture ;-) 2. Dance bag for A - this will be my One Monthly Goal - I have gone as far as cutting the fabric and ordering the interfacing.... 3. Dance bag for C - not started 4. Jenna cardi (panda) - finished! just in time... 5. Sorbetto top - finished WIP 1. Farmer's wife, let's try for another 10 blocks - no progress 2. Gipsy Wife - my goal is to keep up with that one - 8 blocks... only 3. Postcards of the world - little progress 4. Bee Blocks quilts - make tops x 2 - 2 quilts finished and already in use! UFO / Abandoned WIP 1. HST modern sampler quilt - half way - no progress 2. Dear Jane - aiming for 5 blocks -...