Using up Bee Blocks

After participating in various bees and exchanges and asking for the same colour schemes, I had a big pile of blocks that I had planned to use to make a quilt for each of my 2 girls. The blocks have been stashed away since they have been collected (between 2013 and 2016 I think) waiting for THE day.

I got the pile out about 10 days or so ago and gave them to the girls, asking them to design their quilts with them. I wanted to make a 6x6 or 6x5 quilt but I realised I had 56 blocks so that wasn't going to work....

I ended up asking them to pick 28 blocks each and decided to make 4 "filler" blocks for the gaps for each quilt.

I added a strip to each side to make the quilt a little wider and now finally the tops are ready for quilting.

I also got some of my stash of "big pieces" of fabric out so they could pick their backing fabric and I assembled those together (not the most exciting part of the process!)

and now, this is it, the first one is on the frame, ready for quilting. Hopefully it won't wait too long but I seem to have stage fright when I haven't quilted for a while. Watch this space!

My 8 first blocks for October.

Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday, Let's Bee Social.


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