Bee blocks quilt #2

The second bee blocks quilt is also finished! My eldest daughter picked those blocks for her top

and the "lucky" fabric for the backing of her quilt

I loaded it on my quilting frame on Tuesday night and quilted it on the following days

I used a circuit board pattern with a few horseshoes here and there because she is horse-mad and it was good with the "Lucky" fabric

Just the binding left, which I added at the weekend and here it is, another quilt finished!

 Quilt stats:
Top: Bee blocks from 2013 to 2016 plus filler blocks
Backing: Cotton and Steel from my stash
Binding: Bike track from my stash
Assembled and quilted: Oct 2017
Quilted with Superior Thread, King Tut 956

One more OPAM for October , one less UFO (yeah) and one more of my Q4FAL, another win!
Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday.



  1. Fabulous finish Celine! The quilting is perfect! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.


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