Sorbetto - finally

My first dressmaking UFO? I started the black crepe Sorbetto when Colette did the sew along back in the Spring and I got all the way to the assembly with the sleeves and finishing left to do.

I had planned some organza sleeves but I just couldn't work out how to them neatly. So I pushed this project to the side.
 Recently, I decided to give up on the organza sleeves and to make some plain sleeves with the same black fabric I had been using so that took me one step further. I also finished the hems on the body and sleeves
And this left me only with the neckline. So I first tried the continuous bias method from Colette website and with the fabric I was using, it came out as a disaster. So I unpicked the whole neckline. I then decided to use the same technique as the Jenna cardigan I was working on as well. So I sew the neckline again... only to realise I had sewn it on the wrong side of the garment. So I unpicked it all once more..... And finally I have sewn the neckline and top stitch around the neck like and this garment is finally finished! I'm so glad!

One \OPAM  for October and one my first Q4 FAL! since I miss the deadline (just) for Q3...


  1. Congratulations on a great finish! Your persistence is admirable.

  2. This finish must feel especially good - it's beautiful! On behalf of the global hosts of the Finish A Long, thank you for participating!


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