October in review

Halloween is there, must mean that the month is over.... already! Quite a busy month actually with a few finishes, not necessarily the ones I was anticipating....

Hoping for finish
1. Lander trousers (green) - only the waistband and hem to do now, although it looks finished on this picture ;-)

2. Dance bag for A - this will be my One Monthly Goal - I have gone as far as cutting the fabric and ordering the interfacing....
3. Dance bag for C - not started
4. Jenna cardi (panda) - finished! just in time...

5. Sorbetto top - finished

1. Farmer's wife, let's try for another 10 blocks - no progress
2. Gipsy Wife - my goal is to keep up with that one - 8 blocks... only
3. Postcards of the world - little progress
4. Bee Blocks quilts - make tops x 2 - 2 quilts finished and already in use!

UFO / Abandoned WIP
1. HST modern sampler quilt - half way - no progress
2. Dear Jane - aiming for 5 blocks -  no progress
3. Mischief blocks - no progress

New Project
1. Power trip bag - not started
2. Flora case not started
3. Jenna cardi black not started
4. Cigarette trousers - finished

5. Colette blouse not started
6. Demoiselle dress for A not started
7. Imagine dress  not started
8. CaliFaye Valley Blouse not started
9. Megan Nielsen Matilda dress not started
10. Faux leather jacket not started
11. Coat not started 
12. Lander trousers (silver) - not started
13. Passport wallet for me not started
14. Helen's closet cardigan - finished

15. Pyjamas/Nightdress for all the family not started



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