
I did it! I finally took the plunge... I had the pattern printed for quite a few weeks but never got around to try it and finally a few weeks ago, just after I finished my first Kielo, I used the leftover fabric to cut my first Acacia. I graded between 2 sizes as my measurements fell between 2 sizes and it fits me perfectly. OK, there will not be any modelling photo and I honestly didn't know how to make my picture of the finished pair of knickers to look "cool" so here it is!

This is definitely not my last pair, sewing knickers is quite satisfying really, a fast project to fit in an hour or so, like a Sunday afternoon for example! The fit on me is perfect on top of it and I am so happy to have found a use for all my jersey scraps.

I tried foldover elastic for the first time and that was easy enough. The tutorial on Megan Nielsen's website is fab as well, the burrito method works perfectly well to sew the knickers up!

Another of my Q2 FAL list, yeah!



  1. Nice! Your photo is eye-catching (and tasteful).

  2. You now have me pondering uses for my knit scraps. On behalf of the FAL crew, thank you for joining in!


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