And another sew-along!

I hadn't joined a sew-along for such a long time and suddenly there are so many I want to take part in. The latest one I have found on Instagram is the #kingfisherstitchalong organised by Tales of Cloth and Stiched in Color. And although I really don't need another EPP project, I thought it would actually be the perfect project to use up the hexie flowers I collected along the year of the Inchy Hexie Swap.

So for now, I have gathered all my flowers and will need to pick the ones I want to include in this Kingfisher top soon.

Of course, my initial plan was to sew a lovely flower garden with a grey path between the flowers and I have at least 50 shades of grey hexies too!

But after 8 years of starting playing with hexies, this is as far as I got.... Not likely to happen soon really.

Hopefully that will be one UFO less soon!

Linking to Let's Bee Social.



  1. Such a pretty "garden". Good luck with getting the stepping stones sewn on.


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