
Showing posts from June, 2019

June furtle

I feel June has been VERY productive and I guess this might be thanks to the 2 quilts I have gifted this month. Both were UFOs which makes the reward even sweeter! I finished my Scrappy Trip for my brother's birthday and also the Granny Squares quilt for my aunt and uncle's wedding.  I managed to quilt my black and white quilt too but it still needs the binding! Not many blocks this month, just 2 Dear Jane ones... so lots of other quilt-along to catch up on as well. And in the dressmaking department, I made 2 jumpsuits that are both very comfy! I also started my new handbag but it is not quite finished yet. Linking to June Furtle . Celine

Dear Jane

I started well on the new quilt along for the Dear Jane blocks but I already fell behind in May and I still haven't caught up. I completed 2 blocks this month, both from Row C First one was  C-6, Ashleyā€™s Aura  that I h ad cut years ago and I did all with applique Second one is C-11, Soldiers and Sailors Monument which I pieced (despite the curves) but maybe it would have been nicer to applique it.... I still need 3 more blocks to finish Row C and 2 for Row D and already on Monday we are supposed to start Row E.... And I think these are my only 2 blocks for the whole of June! Linking to  Monday Making ,  Monday Design Wall ,  We dnesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers ,  Let's Bee Social ,  Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Celine


I know I said yesterday that I just couldn't see myself making and wearing a jumpsuit and in the end I make two! Let me explain....  Another big favourite in the #sewtogetherforsummer challenge was the Deer & Doe Sirocco pattern . I saw so many of them that I ended up ordering the pattern too....I rummaged in my stash and got out some black scuba fabric that had been there for quite a while... Now I call this one my Hard Rock jumpsuit because I worked on it while the boys went to London for Metallica concert. I cut it that night and a few hours later I had a finished piece... with just one little problem... the trousers part and bodice part were back to front... so the pockets were on my bum.... Not particularly impressed, but really I should have stopped sewing a lot earlier to be honest. So I unpicked the following day and just put everything back together again. Unpicking took a lot longer than fixing the mistake of course! Because of the nature of the fabr...

Secret pyjama!

When the theme for the #sewtogetherforsummer challenge was announced in March, I wasn't sure I would participate. Jumpsuit? Really aimsand how to you go to the toilet without ending up naked? Really jumpsuits were not my thing I thought,  besides I hadn't worn anything remotely similar since I was 15! I had put it on my Q2 FAL list in case temptation got the better off me..... And then of course my IG feed started to fill with so many options.... so I thought maybe I could try a free pattern just to taste the water.  And then, the  Zadie jumpsuit by Paper Theory was released and EVERYBODY was making one,  or so it seemed... plus I had a lovely double gauze in my stash that would be perfect..... So I bought the Zadie pattern and cut the pieces a few weeks back. The construction is rather easy so it didn't take very long to build the body. The more fiddly for for me what the bias binding but that's probably my double gauze is so soft! After a few evenings o...

Not your Granny Bee

Another UFO bites the dust! I have got these blocks out a few times in the last few years thanks to the APQ UFO challenge ,  but I never got very far with them.... This pile of granny square blocks came from a number of bees I was participating to in 2013 and 2014. I even wrote a  tutorial  for the block at some point!.... I know, this is a long time ago... but  better late than never, right? Now as with all swaps/bees, it is hard to get great consistency and while squaring the blocks, I realised that they would not all end up the exact same size if I was to keep all the points... so the solution I found for it was to sash the blocks. So I raided my stash for a solid fabric that would work with all the blocks.  I picked the lilac that I had recently bought for the Harry Potter quilt along as I had stashed meters of it and it was somehow a more neutral colour for the blocks. I like how it worked with my blocks. I cut lengths of sashing and added the st...

Another UFO

In Flicker's days, I used to be a hopeless joiner, signing up for all the bees and swaps I could find. I have stopped doing so a few years back when I realised that almost all the sewing I was doing was "for others". Although it was great and much fun to swap, exchange, get to know people, I needed to do something a little different. Also I soon realised that in most bees, you end up with 12 blocks (if you are lucky and everyone plays nicely along - almost never) or less...  And those blocks are invariably not made to the same standard/size.  Most of the time, I joined bees without a real plan for my blocks either so invariably, they got stashed away...for another time. With quite a few BIG birthdays in the family at the moment, I decided it was time to start getting some of the blocks out and make something out of them, if possible.  I have digged deep into the pile this time... retrieving some bee blocks from 2 different bees. The Bee Weave It or Not made in 2012 ...

Scrappy trip around the world

Finally a finished quilt! I started this quilt during the quilt-along on IG last year, with the aim to make it for my brother's 40th birthday, thinking that, for once I had plenty of time! It sounded like a perfect stash busting project too. I picked a rainbow layout and started making blocks during the quilt-along. I managed about  half of the blocks last year in July , not even in time for the quilt-along, but didn't make any since. I didn't even cut any of the missing 84 strips I needed to make the missing red and green blocks.... With my brother's birthday looming and knowing I would see at the end of May, I set to finish the quilt before his visit. Cutting strips took a bit of time of course as well as some stash digging! But of course, once the strips were all available, it was a lot faster to make the blocks. With all the blocks ready, I could finally build my rainbow :-) I love the stained glass effect of a picture against the sun! And finally it...