A glorious day of sunshine

We had one of these lovely autumn day yesterday, cold in the morning but with glorious sunshine, very energising for a Saturday. Plus it was the first week-end since the end of July where it was only the 4 of us and no plans at all. I woke up early and went to do the shopping in our newly reopened and bigger supermarket where I bought a few good quality white T-shirts to experiment with.
Back home I asked Big Son if he would like to help me paint on some T-shirts for Mummy and Daddy. Of course that was an exciting perspective since it would normally be forbidden. I was even going to allow Baby Girl to help but she refused to wear her apron so she was sent in the garden to help Daddy tidy up. Toddlers can be so stubborn or maybe it's only mine...
We started by painting on the back of Daddy's T-shirt

 and then placed some cut out letters before leaving to dry in the sun.

We then tied Mummy's T-shirt to a piece of wood and painted as well. We left it to dry in the garden, adding a lovely colourful plant.

We also painted a piece of white fabric that we covered with buttons and shapes as well.

After we did all these, Big Boy asked if we could go to the shops to buy him a white T-shirt as well as he wanted to paint one for him as well. I didn't really want to go back to the shops for just one kid T-shirt and of course he couldn't wait until later so we took one of his school polo-shirt which was drying outside and painted some lovely fireworks on it.

We put some shapes as well but there was too much colour for the sun-printing effect.

Anyway he ended it with a very colourful T-shirt that he HAD to wear today. After mass this morning, the priest told him this morning that he looked like a rainbow which I thought was really nice.

We finished the morning by baking cupcakes - orange ones and frosty chocolate ones which were all very yummy. There are still a few left tonight but they are selling fast!

I'll tell you about my own week-end stuff soon because I have made some breakthrough progress! I am so happy about that I'll have to share it with you.
Good night for now.


  1. Sounds like a lovely day!
    Great art, too! I can imagine how proud he felt wearing his own creation.


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