First finish this month!

In March or April, when I was making my Autumn Bag from the Cotton Patch magazine, I also started a purse for Big Boy (for these times when he needs to take money into school, etc). I had made good progress and was only needed to put on the binding and zip but it was stashed away until yesterday evening.

I must admit I am never comfortable at the idea of sewing a zip so that's probably why I had put it aside. Next Sunday is Father's Day and this week Big Boy will have the opportunity to buy a present at school for Daddy so I promised myself that I would finish his purse before the end of the week-end. Well it's all done now.

He was very happy when I showed him this morning and insisted I took a picture of him with his new purse! And of course Baby Daughter needed to be on the picture too!
I have also join the Farmer's Wife quilt-along this week but haven't made a start yet. I have now chosen my fabric and the blocks I'll start with so more on that soon...


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