A very enjoyable day

Yesterday I spent the day in very pleasant company, for our Regional Day (Region 7), we had the pleasure to be invited to a workshop with Philippa Naylor. The workshop was to cover feathers and trapunto, all in 6 hours!

Philippa is a great presenter and the day was thoroughly enjoyable. She also has a huge wealth of knowledge that she is more than happy to share from threads to needles to techniques etc. I learnt a great deal throughout the day and she was always available to give advices and comments on our work.

We covered feathers in the morning and I found that was a very difficult exercise to achieve a far from acceptable result - a lot more is required in my case! We did a little warm up with wonky squares which were not too bad to do and a great filler as well, a bit more original than the usual stippling and then we moved on to feathers.

The regular, straight feathers were very difficult to master as you see from my trials below and would require lots of hours of work to have a lovely result.

However, Philippa gaves us some ideas about how to use feather in a different way and I must admit the "liberated" feathers were easier to do and more relaxing. Definitely an idea to keep in mind.

After lunch, and after I learnt that Big Boy had temperature and was crying on the phone for me to come home to give him a cuddle, we moved to trapunto. I stayed on because he was looked after at home by Daddy and he wasn't feeling bad just hot. After the drama of taking his dose of paracetamol he was alraedy a lot cooler after an hour. Anyway, I missed most of the explanations unfortunately as I tried to comfort him on the phone but had a go at trapunto. Philippa had 4 different designs to try so I picked one with 4 hearts in the middle and used the hearts again to extend the design further. We attach the batting to the top layer and than had to cut the batting out. I didn't go any further during the workshop and did a bug OOPS as I cut through my top piece (I need to repair it now) but I will definitely try to finish off my piece as I really like it.

Despite the big OOPS I had a great time and think I might be trying out trapunto on other quilts in the future. I haven't quilted my Forest yet, maybe that would be a good place to add some trapunto.

We finished the day with a lovely eye candy as she shows us 2 of her quilts which are just so stunning. Unfortunately,my pictures don't really do justice to the vibrant colours she has worked with in her quilt.

Did I say I enjoyed what was most probably my last day out sewing before the birth of baby #3? Maybe I am biaised because I love her work but I had been waiting for an opportunity to go on one of her classes locally for about 3 years now and I am glad that day finally arrived! If you have the opportunity to join one of her class, don't miss it. Philippa is running 5 days course that I would love to go to but I don't think this is realistic in the near future with a new baby. On my wish list for later I guess.  She also teaches abroad at least in the US.


  1. Sounds like a fabulous day Celine. Thanks for posting. I really like trapunto (looking at it mind you, I've never tried it myself!) so it'll be well worth persevering.


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