Circle of Geese - green

Before we went away, I managed to finish off my second Rainbow Scrap Challenge Circe of Geese block. This month was green. I used the same paper-piecing pattern from Piece by Number as last month.

While working on this project and diving into my green scrap baskets, I found a number of bright green pieces that I have used in baby quilts (for mine or friends'). It was so nice to find a piece and think who I used the fabric for in the first place. When I found the "John Deere" fabric I was about to dismiss it for this project thinking it wouldn't go with the rest but I then had after thoughts and decided to keep it in. I used the "John Deere" fabric years ago when I started patchwork to make a glasses case as a present for my dear Dad. We gave him the case to take when he was put to rest so I decided to have that particular piece of fabric in my rainbow quilt as it would be a piece of the rainbow if my life.


  1. GREEN is a favorite of mine .... also have made this block mant times and always love the way it turns out xx good work x

  2. Lovely - both the block and the memories !

  3. That's a wonderful story Celine! You will remember your Dad every time you see this quilt. That adds to the joy of making so much!!!

  4. Awesome block, dear.
    A wonderful story about your father. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Love the block. The john deer fabric and the story behind it.

  6. The stories behind the fabrics in a scrap quilt is part of there special charm.

  7. This is a beautiful block with a beautiful, touching story behind it. Thank you for sharing with us. Ellyx

  8. I love the green circle of geese. Thanks for giving the source of the pattern. Someday I will have to make one.

  9. Pretty block, lovely story. Might put this on my to do list as well, so fresh looking.

  10. I love all these circle of geese blocks. I am just going to have to try this block someday.


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