Playing with log cabins

I have signed up for Pot Holder Pass #10 organised by Amy at During Quiet Time, she runs it on Flicker and it is always a good swap. I've already done a couple of rounds.
This time I choose the Log Cabin option. My partner's choice of colours is cream, red and blue so I dived into my scrap boxes and played with the Log Cabin pattern to come up with this "Framed Cabin"
and the "Cornerstone Cabin"

On the paper craft front, I have sent over 50 of the announcements now and have about 10 or so to finish off but we have run out of ink again. And because this week, winter has come at long last, I haven't been able to go shopping for ink today. We woke up this morning to find that a thick blanket of snow had covered everything.

Of course the kids had fun playing outside and building a snowman! but I stayed indoor in the warmth with Baby Daughter who is already 6 weeks today!


  1. 6 weeks already! How time flies when you are so busy. The snow is lovely, as long as you are not freezing. LOve those blocks.Angel hugs.

  2. I am not surprised you ran out of ink!! Keep warm and safe xx


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